
Essential Things to Know About Trigger Point Injection

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Body aches are becoming far too common these days. Every other person is complaining of some sort of pain or discomfort. While some aches and pains are expected as we age, others can indicate a more serious problem.

There are a variety of different causes of body aches. Sometimes, it is simply due to overuse or strain. Other times, it could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. If you are frequently experiencing body aches, you must see a doctor to rule out any serious problems.

That said, there are a few things that you can do to help ease body aches—one of them being trigger point injections. Today, let’s take a closer look at trigger point injections. Here’s what you need to know:

What is a Trigger Point Injection?

A trigger point injection (TPI) is a treatment used to relieve pain in specific body areas. A trigger point is a tight, irritated spot in a muscle that can cause pain in other parts of the body. TPIs can be used to treat pain caused by trigger points.

Trigger points are usually found in the neck, shoulders, back, and hip muscles. However, they can also be found in other muscles throughout the body. TPIs can be used to treat pain in any muscle in the body.

How Does it Work?

A trigger point injection is a treatment for muscle pain. It is also called a myofascial trigger point injection. This type of injection is done to relieve pain in the muscles. The injection is given into the muscle. It is usually given with a needle.

The needle is inserted into the muscle. The doctor then injects a local anesthetic into the muscle. This numbs the area and helps to relieve the pain. The doctor may also inject a corticosteroid into the muscle. This helps to reduce inflammation.

Trigger point injections are usually done as a series of shots. The number of shots depends on the number of trigger points. The injections are usually given over a period of several weeks. Trigger point injections can be done in the doctor’s office. The procedure takes only a few minutes. You may feel some pain when the needle is inserted into the muscle.

After the injection, you may feel some soreness. This is normal. You may also have some bruising. This should go away in a few days. Trigger point injections can be a helpful treatment for muscle pain. If you have muscle pain, talk to your doctor about this treatment.

What to Expect After a Trigger Point Injection

A trigger point injection is a minimally invasive procedure to treat muscle pain and stiffness. The injection of a local anesthetic and steroid into the trigger point can help to reduce pain and improve the range of motion.

Most people who receive trigger point injections report significant pain relief. However, as with any medical procedure, there are potential risks and side effects. This blog post will discuss what you can expect after your trigger point injection.

Immediately following the procedure, you may feel a localized numbness or a sense of deep pressure. Don’t worry because it’s normal and caused by the injected local anesthetic. The numbness and pressure should resolve within a few hours.

The Bottom Line

It is important to remember that the local anesthetic injected into the trigger point will begin to wear off after a few hours. This means that you may begin to feel your muscle pain returning. However, the steroid injected will take a few days to take effect. Therefore, you should not expect to see the full benefits of the trigger point injection for a few days.

If you are looking for an arthritis doctor in New Jersey, we can help you. At the Center for Arthritis and Osteoporosis, Dr. Adenwalla and her team adopt the finest treatment procedures and diagnostic modalities to manage disease states. We understand that living with Arthritis and autoimmune diseases can be an extremely stressful experience. We work to support our patients in their journey from pain to recovery with compassion and care. Contact us today to learn more and request an appointment online!

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